Seating: Use a variety seating to accommodate all users
Stylised seating provides a variety of ways that users can sit. This seat has unobstructed space around it for users with strollers, wheelchairs or luggage.
The seating along this popular pedestrian network has been designed to accommodate a variety of users. A stronger colour contrast between the seating and its surrounds would better enable those with visual impairments to identify the rest area.
This seat has been designed to meet the needs of a variety of uses. Back and arm rests are provided, as well as clear bench space. This allows multiple people with different needs to sit at the same time. The wooden surface of the seat is less subject to temperature changes.
A combined planter and seat are an effective method of incorporating greenery and rest areas within a public space. The provision of back and arm rests would be preferable to allow for the use of the seating by a wider range of users.